Deep breathe..............and sigh. I have to get myself centered this morning. My thoughts and head are spinning around so many subjects. My first grounded thought is of my husband. How does he do it? I will call him "The Magic Man." He keeps things together and from falling apart no matter how difficult, stressful, complicated, distracting, menacing or painful life can be. He somehow manages to find a way to complete his tasks, and take care of us all. A simple example of his tenacity; Kitty wears a hot pink collar. He's a male cat, but he is no ordinary feline so a hot bright pink necklace seemed appropriate. Kitty has been scratching at it, and now it appears he has a pretty mane of neon hair growing around his neck. I was going to throw the pitiful thing away last week, but Dayne was certain he could salvage it. It started with a small adjustment one day, but then I saw him fiddling with it again yesterday morning. LOL We aren't living in the depression (yet) and we can afford a new one at the dollar store. Dayne is determined however to not give up. He never does. (Excerpt from My Morning Pages January 15, 2008)